there was OPEC, lipstick and nylons, Iran and
Alberta and even Titusville and Colonel
Drake there was Petrolia and OIl Springs Ontario
Canada. Here is where the
world's oil industry started. In an age when few
people traveled past the
borders of their own counties, the pioneer oilman
went out from the wilderness
of Southeastern Ontario to discover most of the
major oil fields of the world.
They were on the Gobi Desert and in the Arctic, in
Iran when it was Persia,
Indonesia, Australia, and Russia+87 counties in
all. In the 1920s, Hard Oilers
brought home Alberta Tar Sands to pave the streets
of Petrolia. On the way in on the West side one sees a view of the Bear Creek covered bridge. To see the latest News Letter from Discovery click on the links below NEWSLETTERS 08 NEWSLETTERS 08 NEWSLETTERS 08
All of these pics and more are from my own collection and am always looking for pre 1920s Petrolia pics of anything to buy or borrow for copying. If you have pictures that I can borrow I only need a few minutes to scan them. Email Martin of Petrolia Ontario Canada at |