Here is our Standpipe
moments after completion ca.1896
Our Standpipe ca.2005
pic courtesy( )

Heritage Committee installed this sign in front of
the Standpipe explaining the history of Petrolia's
water system a significant Victorian engineering


Laurissa Ellsworth
July 18/2015 Mayor John McCharles, Robert
Tremain - Manager of Cultural Services for
Lambton County, Martin Dillon - Chair of the
Petrolia Heritage Committee, Stuart
Winchester of CIMA+, and Warden Bev
MacDougall celebrate the sign at the
standpipe water tower. We had a dedication
and speeches at the foot of the Standpipe.
After we toasted to the dedication of all
those who not only made the Petrolia Water
System possible but also to all those that
made our sign possible. We toasted with
Petrolia water.
A view of the Petrolia
skyline with the Standpipe left center
Petrolia skyline ca.1946,
can you find it?
another later view with our Standpipe left
Men hand digging the
trench for the Great Petrolia water system to
Brights Grove
Fittings and pipe
arriving by train in Petrolia to start the
work on the Great Petrolia water system
The foundation is laid
for the Petrolia Standpipe
Somewhere between
Petrolia and Brights Grove the digging

Here is your
editor in front of the Petrolia Standpipe.This
pic is courtesy of the Petrolia Topic and
click the link below to see the rest of the