Nathaniel & Mary
Boswell wedding picture
This is an example of what top notch
research gets you. This group of 5 pics
along with text was sent to me by Bob
Boswell. Well done Bob! I get hundreds of
Emails wanting information on their long
lost relatives from the Petrolia area. If I
have it I send it. However this is what is
required to find out more. 'click here for more
on Bob's notes'
I'm a long way from being able to publish
anything, but I thought I would send you some
notes regarding what I am doing and the
problems encounted. Attached is the
biography of Nathaniel Boswell as written in
the Lambton County Commemorative Biography,
written in around 1890. ( I haven't checked
those notes for the exact date.)
Nathaniel was illiterate, but certainly a
person who was able to accomplish a great
deal. Although he was alive at the
time of the writing and possibly dictated some
of the information, some of the items were
incorrect and I don't see how someone could
have done so much in such a short period
of time at such an early age, specifically,
1857 to 1863.And many of the things he did
would have required a substantial investment
(Buying a river steamboat at age 25). So,
follow the money. He left England at 18
with 200 pounds in his pocket. (In today's
market that is anywhere from $200,000 to
$400,000 Soldiers and such earned practically
nothing in the Crimian War. In the 1841
his mother was listed as a pauper.
I have found out that Nathaniel's mother
started receiving an annuity of less
than a pound every two weeks from 1831 to 1837
(end of my records) and suppposedly received
annuity from a deceased uncle that gave her a
sufficient dowry to remarry in 1846. By
1853, both his mother and stepfather had
died. Maybe there was some inheritance,
but could not find any records.
The next problem was the period from 1856 when
he arrived in Toronto at the age of 18 and
1858. All those different railroad
jobs. Could he have saved enough to
start a cotton compressing
business? And then buying the
steamboat "Silver Wave". And then he
returns to Ontario and buys an oil well,
starts a hotel. gets married, builds all kinds
of stuff. But it all took some seed
money. I have been trying to find out if
his wife's family had a lot of money.
She had ownership in some of the
So there is still a lot to find out about his
life and accomplishments in Lambton County.
Attach: Lambton County Commemorative
Original Eureka Mill picture (It was
sent as scanned image by email, This is
the original as I got it)
A timeline of Nathaniel Boswell (Excel file)
Lodge shield (One of your pictures of Wyoming
was the Orange celebration. Nathaniel
was an Orangeman. We have not been able
to identify the shield pin. He was probably in
the picture
Nathaniel and Mary Ann Green's wedding picture
Portrait of Nathaniel
This will give you something to look at.
I'll get some more things together. I have
pictures of all of his homes, I think.