.......grow Milkweed to help the Monarch Butterfly..............................

Petrolia Heritage Tree Project


                                                                                                               editor's collection
An interesting Chestnut on Greenfield street.

Criteria for a nominated tree
-Access from road
-Size and shape
-Tree is associated with a special person or historical site
-Tree is in Petrolia


Petrolia Heritage Trees
-423 Greenfield                                                
 -441 Greenfield
 -438 King {Nemo Hall}

 -Hickory  {Dr. Green}
 -416 Maude

 Silver Maple
 -Behind Arena {ball diamond}
 -422 Warren Ave.

 Hungarian Pine
 -4003 Petrolia Line

  -4318 Petrolia Line
 -4115 Wingfield
   -437 Ella
 Japanese Maple
 -4059 Petrolia Line
 -4146 Marthaville Side road
 -452 Princess

Weeping Willow

Burr Oak
-429 Ella


These are some pics of the First street Oak stand
For more on the Kentucky Coffee Tree  click below

                                                                                          editor's collection

                                                                                                        editor's collection

These 2 pics put into perspective the importance of the First street stand.
These 2 pics show some trees on the Discovery Trail

                                                                             editor's collection
Here is a mighty Ironwood { ca.1850s }across the creek from the Kentucky Coffees on the Discovery Trail.

                                                                              editor's collection
Here is a pic that I took on Oct11/05 of the Petrolia Kentucky Coffee stand. This is one of 12 stands in Canada.
What is the Carolinian Forest
Parts of south-western Ontario form the northernmost edge of a rich and
diverse deciduous forest that extends deep into Kentucky, Tennessee and the
Carolinas, from which this forest takes its name.

Carolinian forest in Canada is unfortunately known more for the forces that
threaten it than for its incredible biological diversity. Over two centuries
of settlement, forest clearing and urban development have spared less than
5% of the original Canadian Carolinian woodland, with much of this
fragmented into isolated wood lots of questionable long-term viability. A
typical Carolinian forest could be roughly divided into three areas with
certain tree species (of which a few are listed here) found most commonly is
each area:
Area 1 - Swamp Forest - could contain silver maple, swamp white oak,
Carolinian water ash, sycamore,
Area 2 - Mesic Forest - would support red oak, black cherry, white ash,
tulip tree, beech, sassafras, etc.

Area 3 - Dry Forest - includes white oak, witch hazel, flowering dogwood,
white pine, blue beech, aspen, etc.


                                                                editor's collection
This group of pics are from a sunny morning in July of 2006 when a team of  tree enthusiasts set out on the Petrolia Discovery Trail with Donald Craig. Above is an interesting NECTRIA CANKER  on a Locust.

                                                                                editor's collection
A huge Poplar that is aging ungracefully in a swamp.

                                                                                    editor's collection

                                                                              editor's collection
Donald Craig with the clipboard describing trees,along with Leo Bradshaw and Walter Brand

These pics are from the book produced by Petrolia Heritage for Community in Blooms judging.

Where are the Petrolia Coffees?, take a look at this map.

The 'Bradshaw Home' a designated property and highlights of it's gardens

The 'Farm House' a designated property and highlights of it's gardens

Lancey Hall a designated property and highlights of it's gardens

Arguably the largest tree in town. Found at Greenwood Park ball diamond. This monster can be viewed from South Valentina Street.

A huge Burr Oak  in Crescent Park. Next door to 429 Ella Street.

 All of these pics and more are from my own collection and from our contributors. If you would like to become a contributor, I just need a few minutes to scan what you have or send me your own scans.
Email Martin at martyd@ebtech.net