editor's collection
This an interesting view of the Petrolia Fall Fair Midway ca.1906.
Note the dancing girls and the colorful posters. The Fall Fair is still
a highlight on the annual Petrolia events calendar.
editor's collection
There was a beard contest in town for the towns Centennial ca.1966
and these lads were the entries.
BACK-Murray Campbell, Don Smith, John Davidson, Jack Heron, Jim
Albert 'Bert' Morley
Bob Blackwell, Gerry Forshee, Norm White, Eric Maguire, ____?,
Bill Maguire, Bob Dillon, Jack Bourne, George Downer, Bill Pritchard,
FRONT –Russ Saunder, Roy Frawlie,Ted Burgess, Bill Johnson
Ingram, Don Smith
Here is young Bill Pritchard
& Pin, ca.1954 on his big BSA. Notice Bishop's Red and White
store in the backgound . Notice the pickup truck. Thanks for sending this
one in Bill. Also known by his Ham Operator call sign VE3-BZP
is a great school house pic from Marthaville
which is about a mile and half North West of
Petrolia.Up until the 1920s there was a boardwalk from
Petrolia via the Blind
Line {Pithole} to Marthaville.One
could say that Marthaville was an early suburb of Petrolia.
This pic was submitted by
Bertha Gleeson the wife of
the late Lou Gleeson a sports legend from Petrolia.
1st ROW-Ray Rippin,
Bill Dalziel 2nd ROW-Dave
Dalziel, Bertha {Rippin} Gleeson, Florence Logan
Lillis {Braybrook} Ball, Fred Logan, Ernest Topliffe, Reg Rippin {twin
to Ray} Myrtle {Rippin}
Rider, Katherine {Topliffe} Isber, Nora {Hendy} McDonald
Lena Williamson,
Mary {Dalziel} Graham
3rd ROW-John Battice, Fred Battice, Jim Daziel {twin to Dave},
4th ROW-Jack
Maxwell {with hat}, Albert Carr, Bud Maxwell, Reuben Williamson,
Charlie Stevenson, Doris Ortwein, Merle Salisbury, Helen Stevenson
5th ROW-Henry Carr, Alex
Dalziel, Lonnie Ortwein, Marg Braybrook, Vera McColl,
Edith {Handy} Mitchell,
Eve {Rippin} Berry, Isobel Carr
editor's collection
This is a pic from the late 40s and it speaks for itself.
Recently I purchased a large group of Petrolia pics which include
about 20 or so more P. Business College pics of grads and others . For
more on the college 'click here'
editor's collection
An interesting vintage Petrolia advert
editor's collection
The top photo is a Daguerreotype {1/6 plate } of a young women
from ca.-1845.
The writing on the back in pencil says "Nanna Emm, Oil Springs
Ont."The next Daguerreotype {1/4 plate } is of a well dressed gentleman
from the same period that I bought at a garage sale in the ca.1970s here
in Petrolia. Both of these rare photos were probably not taken here but
likely belonged to folks from the area. Your editor has numerous other
Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes but these 2 are the only local ones.
Number Please
This is a pic of the Bell Telephone operators, probably about late1950s.
editor's collection
Petrolia's first automobile.
It was owned by a jeweler Mr. A.C. Darling
around 1903. I would assume that these 2 ladies
are connected with Mr. Darling somehow. Mrs Darling right. Below
is A.C. Darling himself ca.1951.
editor's collection
Here is an ad that I got from a nice couple from Ajax.
Thanx Ken & Nancy. It speaks for itself . ca.1912
editor's collection
The Darling's jewellery/clock store.Notice the optometrist chart
on the right
editor's collection
I have recently purchased a group of CDVs and these 2 are some highlights.
Notice the photographer's name and on the lower left the oil well scene.
The CDV on the left is by VanNorman both are lesser known Petrolia Photographers
operating in the late ca.1800s
editor's collection
This was a boat trip from Sarnia for the Petrolia
Wagon Works employees
editor's collection
A group of Petrolians swimming in Bear Creek or Lake Huron. Do
you know who they are?
editor's collection
I left this parade scene extra large so you can see
the incredible detail on bystanders and into the store windows
editor's collection
Bessey Marie Corey and her two children, Harrison on the left and
Charles Randolph ca.1908. Thank you Peter Corey for the correct
editor's collection
A group of WW1 soldiers similar to the one on
the ancestor page
with some of the same Lads |
editor's collection
Also from the Stirrett collection,could this be the little girl
above grownup?
editor's collection
The Scarsbrook family.From left Alberta, Mrs Scarsbrook,Hellen
Mr.Scarsbrook, Regina. Can you recognize this house in Crescent
Park today?
editor's collection
Back row-Jessie Welch, Emma Thompson, Lizzie McDonald, Nettie
Sitting-Mary Thompson, Daisy Denham, Annie Dibb, Maggie Harkness
Emmeline Orchard ca1890s
Dr.Fraileigh in dress uniform just home from WW2. He was a GP
in Petrolia for many years. These pics are from slides that I
got with the
Epson 1250 Scanner. |
Drum Majorettes in the late 50s.
Gail Richmond,Dorothy Aldred, Mary Jane Prichard. There aren't
as many parades in Petrolia but in the 50s & 60s it was a regular
event and there were many beauties like these.
editor's collection
This is a very interesting
ca.1870s Tin Type that I purchased for a quarter about 20 years ago.The
little boy is standing beside a model of an oil derrick. The lady on Eureka
street didn't know anything about it accept that it always was in her
grandmothers jewelery box.
Gail Richmond
Ca.1939 Birthdat party at Fairview Mansion
row -June Kerr, Dorothy Daley, Louis Little
Mary Margaret Kelly, Gloria Pike, Doris Daley
Anne Duggan,
Middle row-Beatrice Allen, Martha Duggan
Betty Burgess, Jean McCallum, Pat Donald
Kathleen Gillespie,
Mardie Sutherland Front
row-Olive Gillespie, Gloria Slack, Bertha Smith
Doris Morris, Marie Knight,
Beth McCallum, Therese Duggan |
editor's collection
This is a General Store at Pithole. Pithole was a very small
settlement on the
Blind Line North of Petrolia. Most of the people there either
were oil drillers
or worked at the Nitro Glycerin Plant. Some probably worked at
the Canadian
Oil as well. Eventually Pithole disappeared and some of the homes
were moved to
Petrolia. Some say that Pithole was on the Blind Line near Marthaville
but my
Great Grandmother said that her home was moved to Eureka st.
from Pithole
on the West bank of Bear Creek ca.1916. I will soon have a page
devoted to
editor's collection
I have included this rare architectural TinType from the ca.1870s
because it is so interesting. It was with a group of area photos from
Petrolia, Warwick and Oil Springs. A proud family in front of their new
home. Let me know if you recognize the house. It looks like junior was told
to take his hat off for the photo& he tossed it on the ground.
editor's collection
This is a great pic from outside of Petrolia near Alvinston
on the Jack McCorigary farm. Great shots of vintage farm equipment &
steam engines. Probably ca.1905 to 1912
editor's collection
This is an interesting pic with a dentist his assistant and a very
frightened little girl. I bought a box of Petrolia pics and this is one
of the few that is not named. Do you know who they are?
editor's collection
Also from the same box of pics that the dentist pic came from is this
gas station pic. Also assumably Petrolia. Let me know if you recognize
anyone or the name of the gas station.
editor's collection
Also from the box of Petrolia pictures is this pic of an electric
store. I have strained to read some of the items on the wall such as
the calendar and the phone book hanging by the phone to get a name but
no luck. I have left the resolution high so you can travel around a ca.1920s
electric store to
look at the interesting items.
Recently I have recieved info on this pic. Click here for more.
This is an interesting pic that I got from Hugh Clouse. It has
incredible detail of Empire Day ca. 1900 in the park where the post office
now sits looking West. One can wander virtually through the crowd and
see some interesting characters. This is an example of what can be done
with a very good photographic maintenance program run by a trained technician.
editor's collection
This is a pic of the Howlett Tile yard that used to be on Tile
yard Side road just East of the high school.
editor's collection
Not the greatest quality but a group of quilters in Petrolia
. As you can see the only name is Mrs. Bedal
editor's collection
This might be the toll gate at the Plank Road.Looks to be about
ca.1920s or 30s
editor's collection
A beautiful family in the library. ca.1900
editor's collection
A group of very fashionable Petrolia ladies ca.1880s
editor's collection
A load of wood in front of VanTuyl& Fairbank Hardware.
These are 2 pics that I was able to garner from slides ca.1940s
showing 2 views from Victoria Hall's clock tower. The one to the right
shows a view looking west with buildings that are gone now.
An interesting view looking
west from Victoria Hall tower ca.1940s
editor's collection
Petrolia Boiler Works on Center st.
editor's collection
Iroquois Hotel on the site of todays Shoppers Drug Mart. Included
here because the United Church is seen at right being erected. ca.1900
It was apropriate during the ca.1800s and well into the ca.1900s
to present your calling card to the staff of your host or hostess when
attending an appointment or simply visiting. The card was presented and
you were anounced. These are 3 Petrolia examples from probably the late
Heidi McNabb just picked up these 2 pics at a garage sale and
just brought them over for me to scan. I don't know who they are but
maybe you might.
Minnie Canneff top left
and husband Charlie lower left. ca.1880s
Here is a interesting CDV by Petrolea's
Robson, however the subject is ' Spruce Lawn Maitland Ohio'. Maybe he moved
there and used his old card stock from Petrolea. Probably ca 1870s
Editor's collection
This is all I have on this item. Just
the news account.