you are looking for help in finding information on your ancestors from
Petrolia and you don't find what you want on this website then please
use the contacts below. I get hundreds of requests for info on your
ancestors and if you don't see it on this website I don't have it
Recently there have been a few folks that have got upset at me because
I can't help and the fact is that I do not have some big archive here
in my house or anywhere. I don't do research for people. This website
is here for me to display my gigantic collection of pictures. I don't
do this for a living, it is a service that I provide out of the
goodness of my heart. If you happen to find something of use here
during your search then great!, I am thrilled. However getting rude and
goofy because I don't do research or run around finding stuff for
people is not the answer. Please take what you like and enjoy what you
find. I am not the answer for your genealogical search. I have heard
from hundreds in the last several years about their searches and the
one thing that I hear constantly is that it takes tons of work and
thousands of hours. I like hearing how you make out in your search.
I like
hearing that you have found something here.
I like it
when you send me your pics
My website
has all that I have (what you
see is what you get)
Hopefully this will help those folks who are
for their roots from the Petrolia area. There are lots of web sites
to this subject . Some folks have good luck contacting or
to the Wyoming library 519-845-0181 or
where vintage Petrolia & Sarnia
newspaper micro film is kept and other info. Good luck on your search.