Petrolia Community Gardens
Please see more on Community in Blooms at Petrolia's Town website

Click on this logo to go to the Town Site
to see Petrolia Communities in Bloom

This section shows some interesting Petrolia blooms.If you have a pic of one of your blooms send it in. Above shows the rare yellow Peony. Next right are Lady Slipper Orchids. . Below left is the pink Solway Peony.

A very cool little pink wild orchid that grows freely everywhere. Most people don't realize that this little 'weed' or native wild flower  is indeed an orchid. An example of many native wild flowers that are allowed to inhabit the grounds (if they behave themselves) .

For a video tour of the gardens on the Lancey Hall grounds click on the pic. { back yard }

For a video tour of the gardens on the Lancey Hall grounds click on the pic. { front yard }

This South view of the grounds shows the  Hydrangea in full colors. Many people have asked "how do you get the colors so bright and strong"? I always answer " go to any garden center and buy a box of Rhododendron/ Hydrangea/ Azalea fertilizer and follow the instructions".

This is early spring showing the Wistarias in bloom. People ask all the time "how do I get my Wisteria to bloom". I always say "jam your shovel into the roots in a circle about a foot and a half from the trunk to traumatize the roots, and prune dramatically after blooming." It works for me.

A Wisteria being trained to be a tree. I saw this idea on a documentary showing gardens of England. An ancient castle with Wisteria growing and one vine had had it's building ripped down a few hundred years ago and the Wisteria vine lived on and had become a tree because it's trunk was so thick. This one is 17 years old and is adapting well. A few folks have said that a vine won't become a tree.....well don't tell my Wisteria tree that.

A row of Peonies in full bloom. All of these plants came from a farm house outside of Marthaville.

More Hydrangea in bloom.

A pink Mandevilla climbing everything in sight.

A window box spilling over with plants.

The yellow Peonie

A butterfly Flower 'Asclepias Curassavica'   This plant is related to the common Milk Weed.

A mixture of annuals and perennials at the Bradshaws

Email Martin Dillon  Petrolia Heritage